Industry Division
Industry Division
At Tassinari Bilance, we have always developed industrial products with state-of-the-art weighing systems. All our systems are certified in compliance with current regulations.
We also offer a range of dedicated after-sales and assistance services for each system.
TASSINARI BILANCE pays the utmost attention to after-sales service and technical assistance, to ensure that the quality standard of our products is always met.
High competence and rapidity are the main characteristics of our service: we dedicate the same attention and professionalism to maintenance/repair as we do to the production of our systems.
Thanks to a capillary network of authorised service centres distributed throughout Italy, including the islands, our Technical Service is able to intervene promptly, fulfilling all our customers’ needs.
In addition, the HELP DESK service is always available for all needs.
Calibration of both mechanical and electronic weighing instruments, of any make and capacity, using LAT-certified sample weights.
In compliance with Legislative Decree 93/17, weighing equipment used in commercial relations with third parties (direct sales and/or commercial transactions in general) must undergo periodic inspection every three years and/or following repairs that have led to the removal of seals. Failure to comply with the regulations will result in the application of an administrative penalty of €500.00 to €1500.00 for each scale.
Thanks to our staff of metrological inspectors enrolled in the network of an accredited body, we can guarantee the PERIODIC VERIFICATION service for weighing instruments up to 120,000 kg capacity, throughout Italy, including the islands.
Contact us directly at the specific references below.
To ensure more efficient service, the service request should be regularly formulated by reporting:
PI/CF 03356691208 |Rea BO-512782
Bologna Business Office