In 5.9 we take great care of the services of after-sales and technical support , to ensure over time compliance with the quality standard of our products.
We have built up over time a network of service centers located throughout Italy , fulfilling all the needs of our customers.
High competence and celerity are the main features of our service: we devote the same attention to maintenance as to its manufacture.
The Technical Assistance Centers (CAT) authorized are located in the various regions of Italy including the islands, and there is always an active HELP DESK for all kinds of needs.
For After Sales and Support services you can contact us directly at the specific references.
To ensure greater service efficiency, the service request must be regularly formulated by your technical/clinical engineering department. You should kindly indicate on such a request:
The name of the departmental contact person to be contacted, including telephone number, for all final arrangements regarding the inspection The performance of technical assistance will be agreed upon according to your specific needs.
At the conclusion of the intervention will be issued regular certificate of ‘intervention completed and signed by both parties.
The information on these pages is intended for medical/health professionals.
PI/CF 03356691208 |Rea BO-512782
Bologna Business Office